Pajaro Valley Youth Soccer Club




Welcome to the home of PVYSC’s competitive program known as Pajaro Valley United. PV United offers a developmental and competitive program for girls and boys.  Competitive teams at PV United come together at the U9 level where the club focuses on teaching players to love the game and ball mastery.  Then at the U13 and up level teams continue to work on ball mastery, love of the game while at the same time incorporating reading the game, game strategy and soccer intelligence to compete at the top level. 

The goal is to prepare players to compete at the highest level, be able to participate in the Player Development Program (through NorCal), Olympic Development Program (through CalNorth), high school soccer, college opportunities and paving the path to their future endeavors. 

Current Competitive Team Contacts

1. 2005G (Girls Born in 2005)
Manager: Laura Diaz

2. 2006G (Girls Born in 2006)
Coach: Luis Guerrero 831-535-2770

3. 2007G (Girls born in 2007)
Coach: Robert Zuniga  
Manager: Adrienne  

4. 2008G (Girls Born in 2008 or 2009)
Coach: Gina Castaneda
Manager Christina   

5. 2008B (Boys Born in 2008 or 2009)
Coach: Ricardo Gallegos (831)319-1286

6. 2010B (Boys born in 2010)
Coach: Valentin Berrelleza (831) 840-4537
Monday-Friday May 16-20 at San Miguel Canyon (6-7:30 PM)

7. 2010G (Girls born in 2010)
Coach: Gladys Mondragon
Manager: Diana Zuniga or

8. 2012G (Girls born in 2012)
Coach: Hilda Corcoles

9. 2013B (Boys Born in 2013)
Coach: Luis Guerrero 831-535-2770

Other Age Groups Please Email for age specific contact information.



Competitive teams looking for Ranked Tournaments